Robert Coons
I wasn't there for our second guest speaker's presentation unfortunately, so I had to read my fellow students' blog post to find out what he talked about. I learned a bunch of things. First off, the speaker's name was Robert Coons and his company was called Scout Military. Most of the students mentioned that Mr. Coons talked about the pros and cons of being an entrepreneur, just like our first guest speaker. I ended up looking up Mr. Coons' company on google, and I saw a link to the website. The website had a link to the Android and Apple stores and just described some of the app's features. What struck me was how simple the idea was, and how he was able to turn it into a company. In one of my earlier blog posts I talked about how I found it difficult to distinguish an app idea from a business idea, but I guess this made me realize that they could be one and the same. One of the points made in a blog post I read was that as computer science students, we could relate more to this speaker as he took a tech idea and made it into a company. I guess this motivates me to consider pursuing some of my own app ideas in the future.
Switching gears a bit, I'm disappointed that I missed both of the guest speakers because from reading everyone's blog posts, they had a lot of interesting and important stuff to share. Hopefully I can make all the other one's so I can reap the full benefits.
Switching gears a bit, I'm disappointed that I missed both of the guest speakers because from reading everyone's blog posts, they had a lot of interesting and important stuff to share. Hopefully I can make all the other one's so I can reap the full benefits.
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